"La Simplicité, l'art de maximiser le travail non-fait, est essentielle!"… On n'y est pas !
Il serait peut être temps de faire quelque chose contre le burn-out de plus en plus présent dans notre industrie?
Venez essayer le slow-programming ! Après une réflexion de groupe, vous découvrirez et expérimenterez 6 différentes pratiques de slow-programming: Slow pair programming, Slow feedback, Slow code-reviews, Slow TODO list, Slow coding, et Slow ROTI ! Vous pouvez vous attendre à:
Venez tester notre slow-dojo!
Salle Turing (F01)
Convinced that collective responsibility for quality and continuous feedback are at the heart of the success of IT projects, I collaborate with teams to develop products by small increments
I am an experienced speaker and have spoken at many international conferences: DDD Europe, Newcrafts, Devoxx, XPDays Benelux, CPPP, P3X, Alpes Craft, Agile France, Agile Tour and others.
My talks are always very interactive, almost workshops, and often contain live coding. My goal is that that the audience gets out with practical learning that they can apply immediately.
I can present in English or French.