The conference for ethics and diversity in tech
with crêpes and love Mixit heart


The scaling ball game

During the game you will experience scaling issues that occur when multiple teams work on the same product. Multiple Teams will look for solutions to scaling issues and experiment in an iterative way with their ideas on solving them..

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During the game you will experience scaling issues that occur when multiple teams work on the same product. Multiple Teams will look for solutions to scaling issues and experiment in an iterative way with their ideas on solving them..

##Expected benefits of participating

Attendees will face a series of typical scaling challenges like:

+ team synchronisation + efficiency + standardisation + optimisation of expertise + distributed teams

##What did the session creators hope to learn?

These days we have a few models for scaling teams. With this game we want to help participants experience common scaling issues and observe how they affect them. With the exercises in this book and others, we hope to learn more about scaling dynamics.

##Process and timetable:

+ total time 90 min + Introduction to scaling issues: 5 minutes + Round 1: warm up in local teams 5 minutes + Round 2: multiple rounds solving different scaling issues with a partner team (total 20 minutes)
+ Round 3: multiple rounds solving different scaling issues with groups of 4 small teams collaborating (total 10 minutes)
+ Round 4: all teams have to collaborate in one large factory 10 minutes + Small retrospective inside the teams 10 minutes + Large joined retrospective (at the end) 30 minutes

Franck Depierre

Passionate about learning, enjoy collaboration and love building products.

Yves Hanoulle

Being agile since 1971 Trying to inspire a lot of people, mostly myself and my kids. Belgium person that does not drink alcohol. Treating every challenge I have as a community Speaks and reads French, writes English.

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